Community Services: Why Homeowners Should Volunteer for the Board

Homeowner associations (HOAs) provide a wide range of community services that are managed by a Board of Directors.  The Board is made up of volunteer homeowners who are elected by the HOA.  Serving on the Board requires a huge personal commitment.

Because of the dedication, time and energy needed, it’s important more homeowners share in the responsibility.  Here’s why I think members should volunteer to run for the Board:

  • You can directly impact quality of life issues in your community.
  • You can help protect everyone’s property values.
  • You can work to correct problems you’ve experienced that haven’t been resolved.
  • You can do your fair share for your community.
  • You can learn new skills, become a better communicator and add professional qualifications to your resume.
  • You can make new friends, attend more social events and have fun.

Working on the Board is demanding.  But, it can also be very rewarding.  I believe it’s something every HOA member should set out to do.