HOA Complaints

As an HOA Board Member, you are likely faced with complaints from fellow homeowners.  This can be daunting—especially when the homeowner is perceived as unreasonable or irate.  Below are helpful tips to guide you through the process to achieve a successful resolution.

1. Listen Generously & Pay Attention to the Details:

    • Whether you are communicating verbally or in writing, acknowledge the homeowner's concerns and thank them for reaching out.

    • Have the homeowner submit their concerns in writing for documentation purposes.

    • Ask clarifying questions to ensure that you have all the information you need to research and resolve the matter effectively.

    • Don't be dismissive, and remember that you do not have to promise anything.

    • Keep the homeowner advised when they may expect a decision regarding their complaint/concern.

2. Be Proactive: 

    • Don't be afraid to check with the association's attorney.

3. Share the Information & Collaborate:

    • You are one of several individuals who encompass the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors acts as a whole.  Add the complaint to the next meeting agenda to share with the rest of the Board.

    • The Board should discuss and examine the matter to arrive at the best solution.

    • In some cases, further investigation is needed to work towards a resolution.

4. Deliver Results: 

    • After Board discussion and a decision, it's time to inform the homeowner. 

    • Share the why and speak straight, let the homeowner know how the decision was reached, and remind them that the Board acts in the community's best interest. 

5. Be Process Oriented: 

    • Having a clear protocol for members to submit complaints.

    • Outline a specific process in how the Board will investigate and respond. Defining a strategy from start to finish will help you consistently address homeowner grievances.

6. Use Your Community's Management Company to Your Benefit! 

    • Professional management companies—like AAM, LLC—provide full-service management, which includes proficiency in addressing and resolving homeowner concerns. 


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